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    , 54 лет
    США, ,

    This site is wonderful, every lady I have seen are beautiful.
  • 15.11.08
    You have the best web site in thw world. i never seen so many pretty ladies at one time. even thou i have not found one yet but i am syre with luck it will happen. jm
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    , 41 лет
    США, Harrison, OH

    I wanted to say thanks for such a great site! Through your site, I have found the woman of my dreams! (Well, she first winked at me, so maybe she found me!) Most important, we have found in each other absolute harmony!
    I recently traveled to meet her in her home town and we spent 10 wonderful days together. It was the best trip of my life, and better than I ever imagined! Thanks for all of your help, and for your site! We are very much in love, thanks for helping us 'find' each other!
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    , 53 лет
    США, Casa Grande, AZ

    Thank you so much for this site. I have met my soul mate half way across the planet in Kazakhstn. I plan to visit very soon so we can plan our future. Once again thank you so much for this site. I thank the lord everyday for my lovely Raissa.
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    , 38 лет
    Бельгия, Antwerpen

    i have found the love of my life on your site, thank you very much
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    , 54 лет
    Россия, Барнаул

    Thank you very much for your services. I like it a lot. I did found my partner.
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    , 46 лет
    Великобритания, Southampton

    I have found a lovely lady. You have a great website thanks you
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    , 95 лет
    Дания, Other

    I Have found what I was looking for. I am so happy. Thank you. And I don't want to disapoint other ladies by having an active profile, but never answer their mailes.
  • avatar

    , 68 лет
    Великобритания, Southampton

    The site was so sucessfull that I have found a lady of my choice within 2 days and it is causing anguish the number of contacts that request my time and friendship.
    Many thanks, its been a good experience, Leslie
  • avatar

    , 67 лет
    Австрия, Wien

    I think this is one of the best side in Internet. I found my love !!! Thanks
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    , 51 лет
    Мексика, Villahermosa

    I found a nice girl in your site and I want to thank so much, I just came back from Kiev the place where we met, your site is very good and I want to recomed to so many persons regards
  • avatar

    , 39 лет
    США, ,

    I have found someone very nice on this site, and do not wish to correspond with anyone else. Thank you very much for your services and assistance over the last few months.
  • 10.10.08
    It was an experience, thank you so much.You help me to find my love. Thank you
  • avatar

    , 54 лет
    США, ,

    This site is wonderful, every lady I have seen are beautiful, but when I found my true love it was like being in a dream. Thank you for your help...
  • avatar

    , 54 лет
    США, ,

    This site is wonderful, every lady I have seen are beautiful, but when I found my true love it was like being in a dream. Thank you for your help...
  • , 25 лет
    Италия, Roma

    , 25 лет
    Италия, Roma

    it looks so helpful for such a person like me who is serching life partner for ling time and haven't able to find one.
  • Женат/замужем

    , 54 лет
    Германия, Frankfurt

    Sehr geehrte Damen. Im Januar als ich auf diese Internetseite gekommen bin habe ich sofort eine Frau kennen gelernt und in sie die Frau gesehen die mein Leben begleiten könnte. Mitlerweile haben wir uns gegenseitig besucht und uns richtig ineinander verliebt. trotz der verschiedenen Mentalität passen wir sehr gut zusammen. Leider haben wir zum heiraten Deutschland ausgesucht und somit verbringen wir schon Monate damit unsere Ehe vorzubereiten. Wenn nicht mehr gravierende Umstände dazu kommen werden wir dieses Jahr noch heiraten. Ihre Internetseite ist zu empfehlen, ich finde sie als einer der Ehrlichen in diesem Tschungel der Anbieter. Machen sie weiter so. Ich hoffe das noch viele Paare so glücklich werde wie wir es sind. Ich konnte mich leider nicht ganz löschen und bekomme immer noch Zuschriften. Meine Bitte an sie ist mich doch ganz herauszunehmen.Mit freundlichen Grüssen.
  • avatar

    , 43 лет
    Австралия, New South Wales

    Found what I am looking for. Marina is gorgeous and I am very happy. Thank you.
  • avatar

    , 43 лет
    Австралия, New South Wales

    Found what I am looking for. Marina is gorgeous and I am very happy. Thank you.
  • avatar

    , 56 лет
    Великобритания, London

    I have found the girl of my dreams
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