отзывы от мужчин
  • avatar

    , 44 лет
    Италия, Palermo

    Grazie a Voi ho trovato una donna interessante e che desidera venirmi a trovare. Un saluto Carmelo
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    , 40 лет
    Норвегия, More og Romsdal


    , 34 лет
    Россия, Екатеринбург

    да, я встретил свою единственную любовь на этом сайте и больше не хочу пользоваться этим сайтом
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    , 31 лет
    Италия, Turin

    Finalmente ho trovato le persona giusta :)
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    , 34 лет
    Германия, Wiesbaden

    Es un sitio Magnifico y de verdad se puede encontar una Mujer.
    El sitio es es estupendo y hay que agradecer a los administradores la labor de proteccion del sitio vigilando y de verdad con mucha Suerte encontaran la Mujer de su Vida
  • avatar

    , 54 лет
    Австралия, Canberra


    Your feedbacks seem to be BIASED or heavily edited to remove what the managers don't like to hear...old Soviet CENSORING habits die hard :)....
    Some web functionalities are EXCELLENT (eg the translation capabilities, your efforts to stamp out scammers)BUT there are many many others, the most basic, which are simply not up to the standard of the majority of competing websites:

    search functions: it is good that you have more than one saved search but why don't you allow members to search on all the IMPORTANT fields, location, LEVEL of language knowledge etc

    ability to manage the contacts and how one views them are simply of no or little use,

    The view of a member's page is cumbersome and not streamlined: There is no flag to indicate how many messages have been exchanged and how many times I have viewed their profile.

    there is no way to delete or to filter members that can contact you (eg age, location, number of children etc)

    One should be able to search for members that have been active in determined periods, today, this week, this month 3 months 6 months. You have a vast percentage of members that are not active

    the chat facilities are simply, pardon the strength of the adjective, prehistoric!

    I wonder if the female webmaster team receives input from a male's perspective :)

    I nearly forgot, you need to put more emphasis on the "RESPONSES TO SOME QUESTIONS". Why would you put that section at the bottom of the page when it is the most important after the demographic section?

    Overall the website ranks well because of the number of members and the "native quality of the members" :), the ability to be able to view high quality photos, the good support, the psychological compatibility. There are many other aspects that would make this website so much better for us "dumb" users :)

    Thank you for reading....
  • avatar

    , 54 лет
    Украина, Славутич

    j'ai trouvé la femme de ma vie
    MERCI !!!
  • avatar

    , 54 лет
    Германия, Bremerhaven

    Ich habe die Frau gefunden.
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    , 28 лет
    Аргентина, Distrito Federal

    I found my partner
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    , 45 лет
    Австралия, Brisbane

    yes i found someone
  • avatar

    , 31 лет
    Колумбия, Bucaramanga

    buena buena pagina para encontrar alguna chica pues el momento no le he encontrado aun pero por el tiempo la encontrare gracias a ustedes y de perseverancia
  • avatar

    , 24 лет
    Доминиканская Республика, Santo Domingo

    muy buena pagina mujeres rusas muy hermosas es lo mejor
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    , 35 лет
    Польша, Olsztyn

    super portal randkowy
  • avatar

    , 47 лет
    Дания, Esbjerg

    Grosses Lob. Eine super Internetseite. Danke
  • avatar

    , 50 лет
    Португалия, Lisboa

    I would like to leave trhis website because I found a very special woman.thanks
  • avatar

    , 47 лет
    Великобритания, Swindon

    I have found this site the most honest and sincere of any site, unfortunately for me my expectations are too high and the disappointment level I feel at the careless attitude of some fsu women is unfair of them, I can only afford to talk to 1 woman I can only afford to meet 1 woman yet they can chat to and court as many men as they like without compassion for the fact that to you they are the big deal but to them you are just a foreign man whom they talk to.
  • avatar

    , 56 лет
    Италия, Cagliari

    ottimo sito grazie per avermi aiutato a trovare una donna eccezionale
  • avatar

    , 50 лет
    Аргентина, Buenos Aires

    Que bella pagina...Its wonderful page! Espero encontrar a la persona amada..Im hope to my girlfriend future..congratulations
  • avatar

    , 51 лет
    США, Imperial, MO

    this is a great site and i hope i'll find the right person soon
  • avatar

    , 47 лет
    Италия, Torino

    Ho incontrato l'anima gemella! :-)
  • avatar

    , 24 лет
    Турция, Istanbul

    beatiful sites
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